World Hypertension Day 2023
World Hypertension Day was marked on 17 May 2023, with May Measure Month being marked from 1st May to 31st July 2023. The purpose of this activity is to highlight the importance of better prevention, detection and treatment of high blood pressure.
This year, the theme of World Hypertension Day was Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer, focusing on combatting low awareness rates worldwide, especially in low to middle income areas, and accurate blood pressure measurement methods.
Why not get involved? You can still participate in this year’s campaign by sharing hypertension information and resources on social media, promoting individual blood pressure screenings, providing educational materials, and engaging with local and regional media.
Message from the ISH President Professor Bryan Williams
Events and activity taking place
World Hypertension League (WHL)
World Hypertension Day was created by the WHL and first held on May 14, 2005. Find out more about WHD activities via the World Hypertension League website. Resources include a free online course on accurate automated blood pressure measurement offered by PAHO at this link, and guidelines for checking accuracy of BP monitors in 16 languages at this link.
May Measurement Month (MMM)
MMM2023 runs from 1 May to 31 July 2023 to highlight the importance of measuring your blood pressure (BP) and to raise awareness of the dangers posed by elevated BP and hypertension. The target is to increase the numbers of participants aged 18+ who are regularly getting their BP checked and to give people the tools to understand how this information can contribute to your knowledge about your individual health. MMM also provides diet and lifestyle advice to those with BP in the hypertensive range and to facilitate improved follow up for sufferers.
Please use this as an opportunity to highlight the importance of blood pressure screening. Join #thebigsqueeze
British and Irish Hypertension Society, 17 May Webinar
BIHS celebrated World Hypertension Day with a Webinar entitled: “Measure your blood pressure, Control It, Liver Longer” on 17 May 2023.
In addition, BIHS President Prof Terry McCormack gave a talk on the afternoon of World Hypertension Day on “The Unexpected Aspects of Hypertension” at a Primary Care and Public Health Conference at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre, UK.
Bulgarian Hypertension League
The Bulgarian Hypertension League ran a large-scale national health campaign and carried out blood pressure measurements in a total of 37 locations across Bulgaria. Participants were informed about the risks of hypertension and received advice on following a healthy lifestyle, measuring blood pressure and recognising high blood pressure.
For the first time this year, people will be able to share their blood pressure results, measured at home, on the website of the Bulgarian Hypertension League.
Through the “May Measure Month at Home“ initiative, people who are interested will be given advice on correctly measuring blood pressure, and on addressing other factors which put them at risk of ill health.
Chinese Hypertension League (CHL)
1/ 23 pieces of artwork were submitted from China to the WHL’s Children’s Art Program.
2/ The CHL hosted a webinar entitled: “Measure BP Accurately and Control 24-hour BP Completely” on 17 May which reached around 5,000 physicians in China. ISH Secretary Professor George Stergiou was one of the speakers.
3/ The CHL carried out free clinic and patient education activities in more than 40 hospitals in China.
4/ Social media activity from the CHL will promote WHD to people all across China.
5/ In Guangdong Province, advertisements were displayed on the city’s metro billboards to promote WHD and raise public awareness around blood pressure measurement.
View the CHL website:
Croatian Society of Hypertension
The Croatian Society for Hypertension and the Croatian Hypertension League was very active during May measuring blood pressure in the country as a whole (including hospitals, community pharmacies). On 17 May, they additionally held public health activities in several Croatian cities. Find out more
Hypertension Canada
Dr Dean Picone (ISH New Investigator Committee Chair) presented his research on the large number of unvalidated blood pressure devices that are commercially available on 8 May 2023. This was followed by Drs Swapnil Hiremath and Jonathan Chan commenting on public health implications and insights on the access to these devices.
In partnership with the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign, Hypertension Canada also carried out the following activities.
Indonesian Society of Hypertension (InaSH)
For WHD, InaSH ran a campaign called “Beat Hypertension”. Activities were spread across 36 locations all over Indonesia. Different locations held different activities such as seminars or sporting events, with blood pressure (BP) monitoring to encourage people to take care of and monitor their own BP numbers. The main event was held on 17th May in Jakarta. InaSH invited the public to join a simple workout in the auditorium, have their blood pressure checked and join a talk show on hypertension management with the theme “The Fact and The Myth of Hypertension”. Afterwards, there was a press conference on hypertension management with 30 media partners (online television, newspapers, health websites, etc.). Other activities included a live talk show at a local TV station and a live Instagram talk show program on the subject of hypertension management in Indonesia.
Iraqi Hypertension Society
A number of initiatives were planned with the collaboration of supporting teams from different pharmaceutical companies.
1/ An activity in a care home in Baghdad with the collaboration of Al-Dawlia Company included blood pressure monitoring and free distribution of blood pressure devices to patients. The aim was to raise awareness about high blood pressure, how to prevent it and how to deal with its complications.
2/ Expanded activity, including educational sessions for patients,with Acino Pharmaceutcial company was held in nine cardiac centres and major hospitals in Iraq.
3/ Another Social activity, and with the assistance of Abdi-Ibrahim Pharmaceutical Company on the 26th of May, was held at Dream City Mall with direct contact with its visitors and it focused on the link between hypertension and high heart rate in addition to the general talk about hypertension and the patient role in its prevention and how to reduce its complications.
View photos from these activities.
Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH)
1. Illumination of Public Facilities: On World Hypertension Day (WHD), the World Heritage and National Treasure – Himeji Castle and Saga Prefectural Government, which are familiar to the general public, were illuminated in the symbolic colours of green and red, representing JSH. This illumination aimed to widely promote WHD and educate the public on the management of hypertension, a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and vascular disease.
2. Hypertension Senryu and Slogan Contest: Since 2016, the Hypertension Senryu (a form of Japanese poetry similar to Haiku) and Slogan Contest has invited entries from the general public on the themes of salt reduction, exercise, and blood pressure measurement. This contest announces its results on WHD. This year, a total of 9,075 entries (6,445 senryu and 2,630 slogans) were received and successfully processed.
3. Press Conference: On WHD, a press conference was held to showcase the activities of JSH. The seminar focused on introducing the model towns for “Zero Hypertension,” the Hypertension Senryu and Slogan Contest, and blood pressure management using digital technology.
Kazakh Society of Hypertension
A conference for healthcare professionals held on 11th May aimed to raise awareness of hypertension and give useful information around management of patients. A public facing campaign will also target shopping malls. Email:
Members of the public had their blood pressure checked as part of a blood pressure monitoring campaign involving Chair of the ISH Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Group Prof Wook-Bum Pyun. Blood pressure checks took place in the National Assembly in Seoul, Seoul City Hall as well as several local district public health offices. Find out more
Sunway University: World Salt Week (15-20 May) was also marked at the university at the time of World Hypertension Day. Find out more or email: and
Myanmar Society of Hypertension
A wide range of activities were organised by the Myanmar Society of Hypertension on 17 and 18 May 2023. Public health education talks and blood pressure screenings took place at venues across the country, and the Deputy Minister of Health in Myanmar attended a ceremony of World Hypertension Day on 17 May 2023 at the Ministry of Health, in Nay Pyi Taw.
Nigerian Cardiac Society
The Nigeria Cardiac Society (NCS), with Prof Augustine Odili – Chair ISH Africa Regional Advisory Group – launched a campaign on World Hypertension Day entitled “Know Your Numbers”. See pictures below.
Pakistan Hypertension League
World Hypertension Day was observed throughout Pakistan with great enthusiasm by the Pakistan Hypertension League (PHL) through its regional chapters. On this occasion a variety of activities were held including public awareness campaigns, media interactions, screening camps, seminars, talks & walks. At several places, besides BP recordings, blood sugar, cholesterol & body weight were also checked.
The main gathering took place at Hyderabad under the chair of the PHL President.
Past President and current patron of the PHL Prof Mohammad Ishaq, who is an ISH Fellow, complemented all the PHL chapters the council & members of PHL for their dedication & hard work for the cause of BP control in Pakistan.
Portuguese Society of Hypertension (PSH)
The PSH hosted events in the city of Castelo Branco, with talks on hypertension aimed at local community members, students and health professionals in the city. Around the city people were offered the chance to have their blood pressure measured, and a local physical education teacher hosted an exercise workout. The PSH will also be promoting a series of videos and other content on social media from 15th to 20th May.
Slovak Society of Hypertension
For the 3rd year, the Slovak Society of Hypertension contributed to MMM, BP measurements will be taken nationally and commence at the Pharmacy School Comenius University in Bratislava. A press conference took place on 3rd May. Email Prof. Vachulova (Society President) for more information.
Taiwan Hypertension Society
Taiwan Hypertension Society, in collaboration with the Taiwan Medical Association and the Taiwan Federation of Pharmacists’ Associations, held press conference to promote home blood pressure measurement.
This collaboration will continue until the end of the year in an effort to enable community pharmacies to do more to manage patients with high blood pressure whose blood pressure is measured in store. This pilot program will serve as the foundation for a national campaign the following year. Find out more
Thai Hypertension Society
For World Hypertension Day and MMM 2023, the Thai Hypertension Society had a live Facebook event on the theme of: “Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer.” For MMM, the Society has organised multiple blood pressure screening sites all over the country. Find out more.
The Department of Disease Control in Thailand organised a number of activities, including:
1. Health check-up campaign: free blood pressure screening was offered to members of the public in an initiative in partnership with local hospitals, clinics and medical professionals.
2. Community walkathon: participants were encouraged to wear red and distribute flyers on hypertension prevention and management in this event to raise awareness about hypertension.
3. High blood pressure community-based screening program: blood pressure screening by village health volunteers to promote early detection.
4.Workplace Wellness Program: encouraging businesses to promote hypertension awareness and prevention by implementing workplace wellness programs, including providing healthy snacks, encouraging physical activity, and offering free blood pressure screenings.
5. National Hospital Blood Pressure Campaign: offering free blood pressure screenings to people who visit hospitals or clinics.
6. Video Contest on Social Media Campaign: launching a video contest on social media campaign to raise awareness on hypertension and its risk factors.
7.Public Seminar: hosting a public seminar on hypertension prevention and management in collaboration with local health organizations and medical professionals.
For any questions:
Cardiovascular Health Tech Virtual Conference 2023, 3-5 May
For the public
About hypertension
Read background information on hypertension, its causes and complications, and watch a video on ‘8 simple rules for living with hypertension.’
Access FAQs on hypertension.
How to measure your blood pressure
View a full page version of this poster from STRIDE BP which contains guidance on how to meaure your blood pressure with a blood pressure device. STRIDE BP is an international non-profit organisation officially supported by the ISH.
Making sure your blood pressure monitor is accurate
Make sure you use a blood pressure monitor that has been validated for accuracy. Many devices available for purchases have not been validated.
You can find a list of validated devices by visiting the STRIDE BP website.
Useful resources
NIH Virtual Workshop: Transforming Hypertension Diagnosis and Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, 29-30 March 2023
Watch the workshop via NIH videocast:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Salt Awareness Week
In 2023, World Hypertension Day coincides with Salt Awareness Week, which aims to get salt reduction onto the global agenda. Find out more.