Professor Dulce Elena Casarini (Brazil)

Position: Professor

Affiliation: Federal University of São Paulo – Escola Paulista de Medicina – São Paulo – SP Brasil

  • What is your role at your work?

I am Professor of Medicine and my research is in hypertension.

  • How did you get interested in your career path?

When I did my post-graduate training.

  • What are you most proud of in your career or otherwise?

I like the research I do in the field of hypertension and diabetes, which can bring benefits to society.

  • What important career challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

The challenges were to overcome the differences that occur in a clinical department composed of men.

  • What advice would you give your younger self?

Fight to overcome the differences between men and women and overcome adversity they see with motherhood.

  • Highlight your most significant research contributions and publications (3-5) – if relevant to you.

  • Have you had any significant career mentors? If yes, please provide further details.

I had Dr Regina C Rosa Stella, Dr Nestor Schor and Dr Oswaldo Ramos.

  • How can we support the next generation of women scientists?

Encouraging the search for money and good positions in the public arena and in private in seeking positions in the pharmaceutical industry that will bring benefits to society.