February 2024 – Omer Ibrahim Omer Ahmed (Sudan)

Affiliation: Federal Ministry of Health in Sudan

Email: dromaribrahim123@gmail.com

1. Tell us about yourself.

I am a doctor who recently graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the International University of Africa. I am very enthusiastic and hard-working to build my academic and practical career, as well as strengthen my CV. Since I graduated, I have worked as a teaching assistant at the International University of Africa in the Department of Problem-Based Learning. Right now, I’m a medical officer at the Federal Ministry of Health in Sudan and pursuing my master’s degree in public health.

2. What are your research interests?

I am excited to share with you my research interest in the field of hypertension and public health. As a medical officer and a student pursuing a master’s degree in public health, I am deeply passionate about improving population health outcomes and addressing public health challenges. My research interests lie in the intersection of hypertension, health promotion, and healthcare delivery systems. I am particularly interested in studying the effectiveness of public health interventions in preventing and controlling non communicable diseases, as well as exploring innovative approaches to promoting health and well-being in communities. In terms of research methodology, I am drawn to mixed-methods research designs that allow for a comprehensive understanding of complex hypertension and public health issues. I believe that combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative insights can provide valuable insights for developing evidence-based interventions and policies. I am eager to contribute to the field of hypertension and public health through rigorous research that has the potential to make a positive impact on population health. I look forward to collaborating with like-minded researchers and practitioners to address pressing public health challenges and improve health outcomes for all.

3. What are you working on right now?

Currently, I am working hard on writing the final research report titled COVID-19 among Sudanese hypertensive patients, which is part of May Measurement Month – MMM22

4. What do you hope to achieve in the field of hypertension over the next 5 years?

In the field of hypertension, over the next 5 years, I hope to see advancements in personalized treatment strategies that take into account individual patient characteristics and genetic factors. I also hope to see more emphasis on lifestyle interventions and holistic approaches to managing hypertension, as well as increased awareness and education about the importance of early detection and management of high blood pressure. Additionally, I hope for continued research into novel therapeutic targets and innovative technologies for monitoring and managing hypertension more effectively. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to improving outcomes for individuals with hypertension and reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease associated with this condition.

5. What challenges have you faced in your career to date?

In my career, I have faced several challenges that have helped me grow both personally and professionally. Some of the challenges I have encountered include:

A. Balancing multiple responsibilities: At times, I have had to juggle multiple projects, deadlines, and responsibilities simultaneously, which can be challenging. Learning to prioritize tasks, manage my time effectively, and delegate when necessary has been crucial in overcoming this challenge.

B. Dealing with uncertainty: In the field of healthcare and research, there is often a level of uncertainty due to evolving scientific knowledge, changing regulations, and unexpected outcomes. Learning to adapt to uncertainty, stay flexible, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset has been essential in navigating these situations.

C. Overcoming setbacks: Like any career path, I have experienced setbacks and failures along the way. Whether it was a project that didn’t go as planned or a grant application that was not successful, learning to persevere, learn from failures, and stay resilient has been key in moving forward and continuing to grow.

D. Building relationships and collaboration: Building effective relationships with colleagues, collaborators, and stakeholders can be challenging, especially when working in multidisciplinary teams or across different organizations. Developing strong communication skills, fostering trust, and promoting a collaborative mindset have been important in overcoming this challenge.

6. What is your favourite manuscript from a lab other than your own?

One of my favourite manuscripts from a lab other than my own is a groundbreaking study published in Nature titled “CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in human cells: a review of current advances and potential applications” by researchers at the Broad Institute of

MIT and Harvard. This paper provided a comprehensive overview of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology and its potential applications in human cells.

The study highlighted the revolutionary nature of CRISPR-Cas9 as a precise and efficient tool for editing the genome, enabling researchers to make targeted modifications to DNA sequences with unprecedented accuracy. The authors discussed the various applications of CRISPR-Cas9, including gene knockout, gene editing, and gene regulation, and its potential impact on fields such as biomedicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.

7. What are your passions outside of work?

Outside of work, I have several passions that I enjoy pursuing in my free time. Some of my interests and hobbies include:

A. Traveling: I love exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and trying new foods. Traveling allows me to broaden my perspective, learn about different traditions, and create lasting memories.

B. Reading: I am an avid reader and enjoy diving into a good book, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or a research article related to my field. Reading allows me to expand my knowledge, stimulate my mind, and escape into different worlds.

C. Volunteering: Giving back to the community is important to me, so I volunteer at local organizations and participate in service projects that align with causes I care about. It’s a rewarding way to make a positive impact and connect with others. These passions outside of work help me maintain a healthy work-life balance, nurture my creativity, and bring fulfilment to my life beyond my professional pursuits.