Lyne Cloutier

Lyne Cloutier


One ISHF stands out as she is the only nurse (previously an ISH Health Professional Affiliate). Prof. Lyne Cloutier, from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada has contributed significantly to hypertension control in different ways. Board member on different organisations, she was appointed vice-president then president of the Société Québécoise d’hypertension artérielle leading the development of protocols, educational material that would ultimately benefit the hypertensive patient while including the important contribution of pharmacists, nutritionists, psychologists and nurses. Co-president of the blood pressure measurement committee for the Hypertension Canada guidelines she has also served on the board of the organisation for many years. With a strong belief that all team members are important for blood pressure control she has pursued research projects to develop and evaluate different care models. She has received numerous grants as a principal investigator and is also frequently asked to join teams from Canada but also Europe, South America and India. She has published extensively on hypertension control and blood pressure measurement and does promote at every opportunity given to her the importance of the valuable work that nurses can provide with patient care. This role has evolved from measuring BP to nowadays diagnosing (nurse PR actioner) and treating hypertension with great success. Her mentorship with more than 20 graduate students has led to more nurses’ leaders becoming involved in hypertension practice, education and research.