ISH2024 Capacity Building Network Symposium

18th September 2024, 08.30 – 16:30, Cartagena, Colombia

Register for this one-day event designed to help you advance in your research career.

The event is free for all ISH2024 attendees. It includes sessions on:

  • How to communicate your research effectively
  • How to build your research network
  • How to write a successful grant application
  • And more.

The event is a pre-symposium to ISH2024 and happens on the day before ISH2024 starts.


When registering for ISH2024, please indicate on the form that you wish to attend this CBN event. If you have already registered for ISH2024, and would like to register for this CBN event, please contact the meeting organisers. Email:


What is the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) Capacity Building Network?

The ISH Capacity Building Network (CBN) offers career development and networking opportunities for early and mid-career researchers and those from under-represented backgrounds and was launched in November 2023. The CBN is a collaboration between three ISH committees: the Women in Hypertension Research Committee (WiHRC), the New Investigator Committee (NIC), and the Mentorship and Training Committee (MTC). Find out more and view CBN resources

Who is eligible to attend this event?

The event will be primarily aimed at early to mid-career researchers– but all ISH2024 attendees are welcome to attend.

Why should you attend this event?

The symposium will offer a grant writing bootcamp, an awards ceremony, and many opportunities for early career researchers to network with colleagues and leaders in hypertension research from across the globe. We hope that by attending that you will form collaborations that will last a lifetime.

Is there a cost to attend this event?

There is no cost to attend this event if you are already registered to attend the ISH2024 meeting.


Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias. Getsemaní, Calle 24 Nº 8a-344, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia


08:30-09:00Arrive, register, coffee/tea
09:00-09:20Welcome, overview of the day and introduction to the Capacity Building Network (CBN)Bryan Williams (ISH President, UK) and Dean Picone (Australia)
09:20-10:15Session 1: CAREER INSIGHTS IN HYPERTENSION Session chairs, ISH New Investigator Committee: Dean Picone
LabMuscha Steckelings (Denmark)
ClinicDaniel Piskorz (Argentina)
Public health Tazeen Jafar (Singapore)
Panel discussion Facilitated by Dean Picone (Australia)
10:45-12:15Session 2: GRANT WRITING BOOTCAMP Session chairs, ISH Women in Hypertension Research Committee: Niamh Chapman (Australia) and Buna Bhandari (Nepal)
– Overview of Collaboration Exchange Scholarship, eligibility and application processBuna Bhandari (Nepal) and Fadi Charchar (Australia)
– Presentation on writing a successful grantNiamh Chapman (Australia) with tips from table leads and ISH leaders by invitation
– Presentation on grant strategy for success and impactAlta Schutte (Australia)
– Table activities on developing strategic ideas for grants
13:15-15:05Session 3: BUILDING YOUR PROFILE AND CV WORKSHOPSSession chairs, ISH Membership Committee – TBC
– Workshop 1. Establishing your profile as an early career researcherNiamh Chapman (Australia)
– Workshop 2. Curriculum vitae (CV) writingDébora Colombari (Brazil)
15:45-16:40Workshop 3. EFFECTIVE MENTORINGSession chairs, ISH Mentoring and Training Committee: Mariane Bertagnolli (Canada) and Francine Marques (Australia)
– Workshop 3. The ISH Mentorship Scheme
Mariane Bertagnolli (Canada)
– Panel Discussion on (i) The importance of Mentorship and (ii) The mentoring relationship-mentee and mentor perspectives
Nicolas Renna (Argentina), and
Ana Echeverri (Colombia)

Facilitated by Francine Marques (Australia)

16:40Feedback on the event and the CBN
16:40/17:00Close of the event

We look forward to seeing you in Cartagena in September!

Niamh Chapman

Niamh Chapman

Chair ISH Women in Hypertension Research Committee, Australia
Lebo Gafane-Matemane

Lebo Gafane-Matemane

Chair, ISH Mentorship and Training Committee, South Africa
Dean Picone

Dean Picone

Chair ISH New Investigator Committee, Australia