May Measurement Month
Every year, 17 May is dedicated to World Hypertension Day (WHD). However, as a result of the rapidly growing burden of disease associated with the global increase in hypertension, the May Measurement Month (MMM) global blood pressure screening awareness campaign was launched in 2017 by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH).
From 1st May to 31st July 2024, the aim of the MMM campaign is to once again highlight the importance of measuring your blood pressure (BP) and to raise awareness of the dangers posed by elevated BP and hypertension. The target is to increase the numbers of participants aged 18+ who are regularly getting their BP checked and to give people the tools to understand how this information can contribute to your knowledge about your individual health. MMM also provides diet and lifestyle advice to those with BP in the hypertensive range and to facilitate improved follow up for sufferers.
On a broader level, MMM uses the data on inadequately treated hypertension to motivate governments to improve BP screening facilities and reduce the huge global burden of disease and death caused by raised BP.
We encourage you to get involved!
THE No. 1
contributing risk factor for global death is raised blood pressure – causing strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular complications
lives are lost each year needlessly due to raised blood pressure
of people with high blood pressure, know it
These deaths are PREVENTABLE……….And that’s the real tragedy