The International Society of Hypertension (“ISH”) has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate the charity’s strong commitment to privacy.

The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for the ISH website (“website”).

In order that you can become a member of ISH, we request information from you. This information relates to contact information (your name, postal and e-mail address), financial information (credit card number) and other personal information. Canica collects this information on our behalf, and processes it for us. The information you provide is used by them to:

  • Register members of ISH and users of our website;
  • Process any financial payment due from you;
  • Let you know about future products and services supplied by ISH that may be of interest to you;
  • We may also keep general personal information for statistical and internal administration and marketing purposes.

If you would like to opt out of receiving future mailings from ISH please e-mail The Secretariat using the subject heading “Privacy Policy”.

Personal information about you which is collected by us (whether on-line or off-line) is kept confidential and will not be sold or disclosed to any third party without your consent.

If you have any queries or concerns about the use to which information about you is being put by Canica or the ISH, or if any details provided by you are wrong, change or need updating, please contact us.

Other Information

Our policy is to retain personal data only for so long as necessary. If you have any queries or concerns about information stored by ISH, please contact us at the address and e-mail set out below.

You have a right to be supplied with a copy of the data which we hold about you, but we may make a charge for providing a copy of this data to you.

Our website may log each user’s IP address and domain name in order to provide aggregate site usage statistics, such as the number of unique users, and in order to help diagnose problems with servers and assist in the administration of the website.

We do not currently use cookies but may use them in the future; we will let you know by placing a notice on this page.

Your Consent

By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by us. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this website, so that you are always aware of what information we have and collect, how we may utilise it and under what circumstances we may decide to disclose it to third parties.

Contact us

For any other queries regarding this privacy statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, or any other aspect of the business of ISH, you can contact:
ISH Secretariat, 29 Gildredge Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4RU, United Kingdom.



We are committed to responsible data management. Data relating to identifiable individuals is only obtained, stored, processed and accessed:

  • For defined and justifiable purposes;
  • Securely and confidentially;
  • Respecting individuals’ rights of review and objection

We value your trust in us.