Dhashani Sivaratnam

Universiti Putra, Malaysia


Tell us about yourself.

My name is Dr Dhashani Sivaratnam, an ophthalmologist and senior lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

What are your research interests?

As an ophthalmologist, my principal interest is in disorders related to the eye, but I actively participate in a variety of research topics, even outside ophthalmology.

What are you working on right now?

I am now researching how non-communicable disorders such as hypertension affect the retinal vasculature using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). The eye is a window into the whole body, and it allows direct and detailed visualization of perfusion within the vascular networks of the retina.

What do you hope to achieve in the field of hypertension over the next 5 years?

I hope to see improvements in the care of patients with hypertension and a reduction in complication rates. Detecting biomarkers in the OCTA may also prevent hypertensive patients from developing complications such as stroke, ischemic heart disease and renal impairment.

What challenges have you faced in your career to date?

The greatest challenge is the funding of research. In Malaysia, there are limited resources for funding research.

Which of your publications are you proudest of and why (please include paper reference)

The publication I am most proud of was a case report I did as a master’s student, which is: “Transvitreal migration of a Toxocaralarva resulting in a second chorioretinal granuloma”

Publishing in a Q2 journal as a master’s student in ophthalmology inspired me into the world of research.

Sivaratnam D, Subrayan V, Ali NA. Transvitreal migration of a Toxocara larva resulting in a second chorioretinal granuloma. Japanese journal of ophthalmology. 2008 Sep 1;52(5):416. doi: 10.1007/s10384-008-0569-z. PMID: 18991049.

What is your favourite manuscript from a lab other than your own?

Chia YC, Ching SM. Hypertension and the development of new-onset chronic kidney disease over a 10 year period: a retrospective cohort study in a primary care setting in Malaysia. BMC Nephrol. 2012 Dec 24;13:173. doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-13-173. PMID: 23259489.

This is my favourite manuscript, as the findings are relevant in the local context. The information provided also grants the potential for future research in the field of ophthalmology. Professor Dr Ching Siew Mooi, who runs this lab, is also an inspirational mentor.

What are your passions outside of work?

Outside work, I like to help in the community. I help in the soup kitchen run by my temple every Sunday. This soup kitchen is essential now, as food prices are escalating and the families welcome a wholesome and nourishing meal.

What was your highlight of the ISH 2022 meeting in Kyoto?

I enjoyed the ISH New Investigators Event in Kyoto (October 2022). It was an opportunity to meet other researchers from around the world and learn tips on publishing research from successful researchers and the expectations of the editors in prestigious journals.