Obituary – Professor George Bakris

We are hugely saddened to hear of the death of our friend and colleague Professor George Bakris.

George was a superb clinician, investigator and communicator. He was a true giant in cardiovascular medicine at a global level.

George leaves a remarkable legacy in research and patient care. He published prodigiously in hypertension and kidney disease, played a huge role in guideline and policy development, and was an outstanding leader while at the helm of societies including the American Society of Hypertension and the American Society of Nephrology.

George supported and inspired many scientists around the world. He was able to convey the excitement of research in hypertension and nephrology to younger scientists, and spurred them on with his enthusiasm and passion for his work.

He was known to many of us connected with the ISH – not only as a brilliant scientist, but as a close friend, and someone who was always enjoyable to spend time with.

His death is a huge loss for the international medical community and for all of us.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to George’s family and loved ones, and everyone who knew him.

We have lost one of the greats, and we will miss him.

Prof. Bryan Williams – ISH President

Prof. George Stergiou – ISH Secretary and President-Elect