ISH members part of the Brazilian Society of Hypertension Meeting

ISH members were part of the Brazilian Society of Hypertension (SBH) Meeting held in São Paulo, Brazil, from 25 to 27 July.

The Meeting included a Joint Symposium of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), Interamerican Society of Hypertension (IASH) and Brazilian Society of Hypertension (SBH) on the topic of “Difficulties of the scientific societies to work together – what are solutions?”

This Symposium was chaired by three experts: Dr Elisabeth Muxfeldt, Dr Dulce Cesarini, and Dr Maria Claudia Irigoyen, SBH and ISH members. ISH Membership Committee Chair Prof Débora Colombari was also in attendance.

Dr Daniel Piskorz represented ISH and presented the topic: “Difficulties of scientific societies to work together—what are solutions for clinical trials?”

Photo: Dr Piskorz during his presentation and the ISH, SBH and IASH members.