Nguyen Van Thao

Position: student
Institution: Hue College of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue City, Vietnam

How did you become interested in research relating to Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease?

In Vietnam, both poverty and hypertension are very prevalent. I became interested in cardiovascular medicine and health access of the underprivileged during my medical training. My hope is to become a cardiovascular disease specialist to help the poor access healthcare.

Describe your research & the program/lab (info of your supervisor) that you are in?

My research is focused on anticoagulation in pregnant women with mechanical heart values; my supervisor is Dr. Tran Hoai An from Vietnam.

What is your favourite manuscript from a lab or mentor other than your own (provide Pubmed PMID if possible)?

My favourite manuscript was published in the February 2010 issue of JAMA, entitled: “Treating hypertension in patients with diabetes: when to start and how long to go”.

What facilities are essential for your research?

Large databases and moderate funding, which is a challenge in Vietnam.

At which conference did you first present? How was your experience?

I presented my study at Hue College of Medicine and Pharmacy. My experience was unforgettable.

  • On 28th November 2015 I was proud to win the first prize at The first cardiovascular conference run for Hue medical students.
  • On 5th December 2015 I received the third prize for young researchers at The 8th Central Vietnam Open Congress of Cardiology.

Nguyen Van Thao atThe 8th central Vietnam Open Congress of Cardiology

Prof.Pham Gia Khai (right) and Nguyen Van Thao (left) – taken at the 8th Central Vietnam Open Congress of Cardiology

What upcoming conferences will you be attending, and what is the furthest distance that you have traveled for a conference?

I am planning to attend the 7th Central Vietnam Open Congress of Cardiology. I attended the 14th Vietnam National Congress of Cardiology in Da Nang, and the 1st Vietnam Congress of Hypertension in Hue.

How did you learn about ISH/NIN and its activities?

I learned about ISH through my mentor. ISH’s website is insightful and easy to navigate through. I am excited to represent ISH in Vietnam.

Who is your role model in Science? Why?

My role model in Science is Prof. Huynh Van Minh. He is genuine and a great scientist in the field of hypertension. He has inspired me to pursue a career in cardiovascular medicine.

Are you involved in other scientific or career associations? If yes, how is it helping in your career advancements?

I am a member of the Vietnam National Heart Association; it is an opportunity for me to learn from this membership. I also serve as the leader of the Cardiovascular Club of the Hue Medical Students Association.

What Advise for talented emerging scientists do you have?

My advice for emerging scientists is from a quote by Albert Einstein that I very much value: ”If we know what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”