
Lyudmila Korostovtseva

This months contribution comes from Lyudmila Korostovtseva, Cardiologist and Senior Researcher at the Somnology Group, Department of Cardiology, Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St Petersburg, Russia. In addition to her busy schedule as a physician scientist, Lyudmila is an active member of the ISH New Investigators Committee. She was awarded the Arthur Doyle award for best clinical science in Beijing 2018. Check out the suggested paper, and register for the ISH-ESH Scientific Meeting in Glasgow today

Countless and everyday growing number of publications makes difficult a choice of a single paper for discussion. Keeping in line and staying up-to-date is rather challenging. I am always thankful to my colleagues who share interesting papers with me, also when they are not directly related to my research field.

The finely performed analysis by Z.I. Attia et al published in 2019 in Nature Medicine  (; demonstrates the potential of acquiring new knowledge by applying novel technologies to the routine methods. By applying artificial intelligence to the routine electrocardiogram the authors found a powerful tool not only to screen for left ventricular dysfunction, but also to predict the risk of developing left ventricular dysfunction in future. This finding offers the challenges for individualized preventive cardiology at large scale.  I would like to thank Professor David Leon for the interesting and mind broadening discussion on this paper and its potential future implementations.

What’s else on My Desk? I would also like to share a photo taken in Switzerland (taken by my colleague Dr. Mikhail Bochkarev) showing a lovely cow and the beautiful deeply-blue, crystal clear lake Thun and enchanting Alpes at the background giving perfect opportunity for brief relaxation and meditation in the everyday routine.